Companion Book

This book is required reading for the course. The layout of the book follows IVAC, level 1 course curriculum. Reading alongside the lectures will help you to assimilate the material faster and deeper.

Available on Amazon as ebook or paperback

Why Study Vedic Astrology ?

Vedic Astrology is called the "Eyes of the Vedas" because it is the only Vedic Science that supports a 360-degree view of life under one teaching, While the other Vedic teachings like Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta have more targeted focus, Vedic Astrology offers mentoring on all levels; physical, mental, social, career, family, relationships and spiritual path. In other words, Vedic Astrology offers guidance and mentoring on all the Purushartha, or the Four Vedic Goals of Human Life; a purpose driven life (dharma), with adequate resources and health (artha), filled with joy, beauty and fulfillment of our desires (kama), supported by our highest goal of spiritual liberation (moksha).

Integrative Vedic Astrology Counseling (IVAC)

This course offers a profound and penetrating understanding of all the foundational astrological principles and how to put this giant knowledge into practice. It unites Vedic Astrology with Ayurveda and Yoga and integrates scientific discoveries in physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing that support Vedic psychology and Vedic Astrology. Weaving in ancient Vedic and modern myths and stories, it captures Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey as a system for broad horoscope interpretation.

Vedic Astrology is the primary counseling tool and mentoring intervention of Vedic knowledge and should be embraced as more than just predicting timing of events. Before we dive into prediction we must first understand the whole field of life that Vedic Astrology teaches. Otherwise, even if your prediction is accurate your guidance may not be. Therefore, predictive techniques are not the emphasis of this level 1 course, but rather how to use the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology as a timeless spiritual counseling modality for the 21st Century.

What stands Vedic Astrology Counseling apart from all other coaching and mentoring systems is that it doesn't offer any specific formulas and prescriptions. Rather, it focuses on your unique Karmic ecosystems, recognizing that each person’s body, mind, consciousness and social circumstances are distinctive, therefore, counseling, mentoring and remedies they receive should also be adapted likewise.

I am sharing with you in this course, not just my deep love and knowledge of Vedic Astrology, but also my personal spiritual journey of embracing the life stories, conflicts and distress of thousands of my clients who put their trust in me. With practice I learnt how to inspire my clients towards self-knowledge and self-discovery and truly receive the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of having their horoscope interpreted. When used in this way I believe there is no other modality that can match the speed at which we can gain guidance and empowerment to influence the course of our life and become the authors of our life story.

Who should take this course ?

Most Vedic Astrology courses, blogs and videos don't emphasis how to put the theory and prediction into practice for real world solutions and real-world people. I made this course to help transform the practice of Vedic Astrology into a counseling and mentoring art for beginners as well as advanced students fo Jyotish. IVAC was designed to be seamlessly integrated into your personal development, as well as into most systems of coaching, counseling, healing and therapies.

The primary focus of this course is empowering you to adapt to the influence of the planets, not be limited by them. It is designed to make you a IVAC Life Coach, using the Vedic horoscope as a broad diagnostic tool. The wide range of knowledge, philosophy and approaches the course offers are designed to be utilized as methods you can put to use from day one to motivate, inspire and guide yourself, your clients and loved ones.

This is the course I wish would have been available to me when I first started seeing clients more than two decades ago.

Integrating IVAC into Yoga practice & Yoga teacher trainings

Classical Yoga contains vast knowledge of human psychology and puts a great deal of emphasis on mental and spiritual health counseling. Yoga students and teachers often find themselves in mentoring and counseling roles but have no Yogic counseling system to call on. Yogic Counseling is different from other approaches because it is primarily Karmic mentoring.

Furthermore, while Yoga, Ayurveda, Mantra etc. offer the remedies, Vedic Astrology, is the primary diagnostic tool of Yoga Psychology. Called Jyotish in Sanskrit, or that which illuminates, it serves as a guiding light to all the Vedic branches of knowledge, by revealing the hidden dimensions of our psyche, as well as the hidden planetary cycles (dashas) of our life's journey.

Just as Ayurveda has become an integral part of Yoga over the last decade, Vedic Astrology is now poised to be embraced by the Yoga community as an essential part of the Yoga journey.


Lecture 1 - Structure of the Universe and the Mind: Embody Your Truth Not Your Myth

  • Ten Principles of Integrative Vedic Astrology Counseling (IVAC).
  • Who Am I?
  • Samskara, deeply imbedded paradigms of belief driving our life’s story.
  • Behavioral Epigenetic, inherited influences on our psyche, health and behavior.
  • The cycle of birth and rebirth and the law of karma, the engine that guides our destiny.
  • Shiva/Shakti, the Sun and Moon, as the eternal and perishable aspects of creation, the existence of these symbiotic divergent principles in our body, mind and spirit.
  • Ramayana, the timeless epic that has built the cultural, spiritual and ethical consciousness of India and South Asia over thousands of years. Lord Rama the highest manifestation of the Sun in our consciousness, the ideal Hero and king. Sita, the highest manifestation of the Moon in our consciousness, the ideal Hero Support and queen. 

Lecture 2 - The Five Elements; Our Physical, Psychological, Spiritual Inclinations

  • The principle of Dharma that can help modify karma at the body, mind and soul level.
  • Dharma driven characters in the Ramayana.
  • The Five Elements, their distribution in our body, mind and soul; their relationship to the Planets, Houses and the Zodiac.
  • Four Yogic Goals of Yogic Life: the drivers of our destiny and how they relate to the Planets, Houses and Zodiac. Dharma (Higher Purpose/Meaning), Artha (Certainty/Security), Kama (Pleasure/Connection) and Moksha (Spirituality/Liberation).
  • Vedic Astrology intersection with other Vedic Sciences, including Ayurveda and Yoga.
  • Mastery of the Five Elements.

Lecture 3 - The Five Planets: The Mind as Composed of A Team of Rivals, Part 1

  • The planets as organs of knowledge and archetypes of our Hero’s journey.
  • The planets as forces that exist in nature, as well as the impulses in our mind that make up our personality and as a result our destiny.
  • The three Gunas, Planets and the Triune Brain in Evolution: Reptilian, Paleo-mammalian and Neo-mammalian.
  • Weaving ancient and modern mythological characters, the planets reveal the Hero’s super powers and his kryptonite, and translate to characters like the dragons, villains, friends and mentors the Hero will encounter on his journey.
  • Mars, the war we wage with our enemies, which is ultimately our own ignorance. Venus, indispensable “Hero support” that brings joy, balance and beauty into our life. Jupiter, the guides mentors and supernatural aids, and the quality of our inner guidance.
  • The body’s physiological processes, including neurotransmitters, gut biome, fight and flight response, and our brain’s established neural networks explain the functioning of the planetary forces in our lives.
  • Mahabharata the great Hindu Epic battle of good and evil. Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna as Mars and Krishna as Jupiter.
  • Ayurveda, Yoga, Medical Astrology.

Lecture 4 - The Five Planets, Part 2 & Rahu and Ketu, A House Divided

  • Saturn, and Mercury, the forces of survival and strategy. Saturn, our soaring spirit held down by the demands of the body, the Hero’s insecurities, obstacles and obligations. Mercury the anti-hero, discriminating, reasoning, conceptual part of the brain, approaching life without bias, especially our own true motivations.
  • Rahu and Ketu, forces that disrupt the natural order of life, to create chaos and change that propels our evolution. Functioning as the "shadow", or what Jung called the repressed and hidden part of the psyche, the loudest voices in our head, but also the ones we are least aware of.
  • Hanuman, the beloved Hindu deity as Saturn, carrying the burden for Lord Rama. Mercury, the illegitimate child of Emotional intelligence (Moon) and cosmic intelligence (Jupiter).
  • The story of the Buddha, as the highest manifestation of Mercury.
  • Snakes, eclipses, the elixir of immortality and the myth of Rahu and Ketu.
  • Maya, or simulation hypothesis, the phenomenal world as an illusion. Rahu as the direct line to illusion, and Ketu as the direct line to the source.
  • Rahu Ketu, integrating polarities, axis of Houses and Signs.

Lesson 5 - Departure, Initiation and Return: The Twelve Houses and Zodiac Signs, Part 1

  • The Zodiac as the circular framework of the Hero’s journey. The Twelve Houses as the archetypical path of the Hero as described by Joseph Campbell, from the “Call to Adventure” in the First House/Aries and the return of the Hero transformed and transcended in the Twelfth House/Pisces.
  • Samkhya Philosophy, Purusha and Prakriti.
  • Angular, Trines and Dhusthana (enemy) Houses.
  • Planetary dignities, Exaltation, Own House, Mulatrikona, and Debilitation.
  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social significations of the First, Second and Third House. First House, the soul’s container or vessel to interact with the world as the “ride” of our life. Second House, primary needs of safety and sustenance. Third House, interactions and exploration that builds dexterity of the mind.
  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social significations of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. Aries as the “Call to Adventure”, Taurus as “Supernatural Aid”, and Gemini as “Crossing the First Threshold”.

Lesson 6 - Departure, Initiation and Return: The Twelve Houses and Zodiac Signs, Part 2

  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social inclinations of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth House. Fourth House retreat into the womb, which makes the Hero faceless, invisible and unnoticed. The audacity and muse of the Fifth House and our ishta devata (inspiration). The ordinary Sixth House of routine, ritual and connection to nature’s rhythms.
  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social inclinations of Cancer, Leo & Virgo. Cancer as “the Belly of the Whale”, Leo as “Road of Trials/Initiation”, and Virgo as the “Meeting with the Goddess”.
  • DNA and Karma, Genetic debts, MTFHR Mutations, mental and physical health.
  • Dinacharya, Ayurveda daily health protocols and the Sixth House.

Lesson 7 - Departure, Initiation and Return: The Twelve Houses and Zodiac Signs, Part 3

  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social inclinations of the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth House. Seventh House or the descendant, integration with our opposite. Breaking open in the Eighth House and potential to rise from the ashes. The fortunate Ninth House and our search for meaning and higher cosmic purpose to our existence.
  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social inclinations of Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius. Libra as the “Atonement with the Father”, Scorpio, “The Ordeal” and Sagittarius as “Magic Flight”.
  • Hindu wedding season based on Astrological indications, Mahurta.
  • Evolution and completion of the Fire Signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Sagittarius and the Galactic Center.
  • Hellinger’s Family Constellation Therapy, the horoscope as the consciousness of our family at the time of our birth.
  • Myth of Sati Savitri, Venus fighting the good fight without losing sight of beauty and justice.

Lesson 8 - Departure, Initiation and Return; The Twelve Houses and Zodiac Signs, Part 4

  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social indications of the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth House. Tenth as the highest point of the ecliptic, social status and prestige. Eleventh, fulfillment of desires and Twelfth the losses that follow.
  • Physical, mental, spiritual and social indications of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Capricorn as “Crossing the Return Threshold”, Aquarius as “Mastery of the Two Worlds” and Pisces as “Freedom to Live”.
  • Evolution and completion of the Earth, Air and Water Signs.
  • Duryodhana, the ultimate villain and social climber of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.
  • Dopamine, the reward superhighway and the horoscope.
  • The myth of Yudhishter and the Dog, from the Mahabharata. Final journey to the summit of Mount Meru and Enlightenment

Lesson 9 - Vimshottari Dasha Planetary Periods and Timeline: Albert Einstein Case Study

  • The ancient Vedic algorithms of the 120-Year cycles of the Vimshottari Dasha System that forecast our destiny decade by decade, year by year and month by month. Each individual horoscope contains a general outline and the blueprints of the archetypal focus for this life, as well as the distinct rhythm and timing of sequence of events. 
  • Albert Einstein’s horoscope reveals a mystic, scientist, pacifist and father of the nuclear bomb.
  • Step by step interpretation Einstein's horoscope and the timeline of events through the Vimshottari dasha.
  • Einstein’s influence on World War II and karma of the world, as shown in his horoscope.
  • Planetary Yogas

Lesson 10 - Interpreting a Horoscope: Tell Your Story

  • Using the content of the course for prediction, guidance and counseling.
  • Witnessing our Myth, striving for the highest manifestation of each House, Sign and Planet.
  • Prediction and interpretation of each House, Sign and Planet as auspicious, afflicted or weak, using Joseph Campbells Hero’s Journey template.
  • Sample chart reading of Dr. Phil and Carolyn Myss.
  • Interpreting your own horoscope and writing your life story.


  • 25 hours of Video lectures with easy to follow power point presentations.
  • Step by step instructions on how to read the broad outline of a Vedic Horoscope.
  • Exercises at the end of each lesson to check your progress.

I would be honored to be your teacher, mentor and guide on your Herp's Journey

Meet the Teacher:

Renu Namjoshi has been a dedicated student, teacher and practitioner of all the Vedic Sciences: Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Mantra for more than 25 years. As a professional astrologer, Ayurveda practitioner and transformational coach she has counseled thousands of people all over the world and from all walks of life—including celebrities, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and political leaders.

Renu is also the author of the companion book to this course Before Your Future. Her integrative approach to the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology for personal transformation and karmic counseling makes her a thought leader in all areas of Yogic life that contribute to wellness and healing. 

For more details check her website YouTube channel


Course Curriculum

  Structure of the Universe and the Mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Five Elements
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Five Planets, Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Five Planets, Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Departure, Initiation and Return, Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Departure, Initiation and Return, Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Departure, Initiation and Return:: Part 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Departure, Initiation and Return: Part 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Vimshottari Dasha
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Tell Your Story
Available in days
days after you enroll

Integrative Vedic Astrology: The Ultimate Yoga

Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) is the single most valuable tool employed by Yogis in India for thousands of years to develop self-knowledge and attain spiritual liberation.

Jyotish - "Divine Light": Eyes of the Vedas

Jyotish, means "Divine Light". It is called the "Eyes of the Vedas", because it serves as a guide to all the Vedic branches of knowledge by illuminating the mysterious and hidden planetary cycles of nature that wield profound influences on our lives trajectory.

Lord Ganesha

The Patron Deity of Vedic Astrologers.

Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha

Sample Video: Sade Sati

Saturn's Seven and Half Year Transit over the natal Moon

Sade Sati brings dramatic life changes that are pressure filled (Saturn) and emotionally exhausting (Moon). Like anything else in Vedic Astrology, there are no simple answers, the results of Sade Sati can range from devastating to exemplary, or a mix of both. In Vedic Astrology Counseling, rather than dreading this period and focusing on prediction, we work on using this cycle to release outdated emotional crutches and intergenerational trauma to create a fresh new identity.